
Four Poems by Mark Young

A line from Alain Delon


I am learning the ropes of a new

role. I am not sure I want to join,

but persuade myself it's time to

escape the empty chatter that fills


most lives. I am somewhat uncer-

tain that it is wise to do so, still

believe that, in the main, we're all

loners, to differing degrees, that


close friends will always be hard

to find & maintain relationships

with. YouTube videos paint a world

without conflict, where we thrive


from connection, are certain that

we matter. The kind of solitude

that I desire is born from a disparity

between my personal ability & my


creative vision. I intend to avoid

talking about current events: what

would you like to talk about? I'm

ready. Grief demands to be felt.





What can we take

out of it? Just

some com-



memories; &

perhaps a small

poem in lieu of

severance pay.



Leaving LaGuardia


When finished being polished,

the Mayor of New York has a

warm red color & is often used

for jewelry by the Bantu. It is

one amongst many manifestations

of him in their mythology. Some-

times he is depicted as a female


nude, big-breasted, long-necked,

wide-hipped, with all the orifices

one would expect from a blow-up

doll made from synthesized Ro-

manticism. Elsewhere he is seen

as the last surviving member of

an ancient group of gymnosperms.


But those the popular aspects. The

Priests have greater regard. To them

he is the pinochle of perfection, a

messiah already come. One who

has achieved enlightenment but

still remains on the human plane,

ready to put the self into sacrifice.



The Gates of Paradise


Dogs at the gates, alligators

in the conservatory — all part

of a playground for inhuman

resources. Within which, sin-

ging either in a descant or with

the assistance of a tight ankle

bracelet, impresarios line up

to offer services outside any


human rights laws. The key

shifts; now suitable only for a-

moebae & a few axolotls. A

changed rhythm, also. We try

to sing along, a long song, in

an impossible counterpoint.