12 August 2024

Four Poems by Steve Armstrong

A spell of ten is a complete form
Of option means through a turn
In the caveat express. You perhaps
Because perhaps you protest, get
Dosed on the hillside by colors
Running and spindly for the means
To land upon your look, kid.
Take me out to the hallway and
Rate the cash setting; the reason
For that is this, that you are
Seized by grit and up-post hazing 
Such that zeroes collect on the

Sandy surfaces. The work book
Setting down for a solitary week
Leaves few rights or figures. Even
Talk rooms board the story change.
That spirit upon my avenue passes,
Tickles all over and tacks back up.


The keepers rest on the brother
At the food of the hill. They are
Ledges with toes on their mark.
Spots visit toward the record
Months of animals, and send 
Ropes to prep the banana. Fleets
Of doors turn toward the comfort,
Mounting each center in the size.
One thing is sure of the wreck and
Pauses in the game, a sour thing to
Connect out of flocks. The glass
Stands guard through, so I remove
The chairs, frame the table to order
Some of the new silver and consult
Fees of entry. The cones pull each
Needle to the old chap, all ringing.

Loop De-Loop
We pin a three-week high
Almost at the void. The move
In the show press is gold, folds
The sun into a review of the
Fort obtaining. Revival rapping
Calls the year and paints it clean.
Put downs in near panic are left
To go at such times, open to
Knots and twenty leapers in the
Updraft. Keys copy tapes at least
One time, to at least one routine.
The fade we all know ends a year
Before the bond, and falls into
A million in the morning. I can
Shrink the dryness if three in the
Wind loop the samples. To fit,
We want you by the instrument,
To deduce and replace the whole
Brood since spines do not fiddle
Over the station during roll out. 

You are crowded with drums for
Believing prices can be solved.
So many rooms near the horn
Recline in support and gild
Composure when they clear.
Cartoons dismiss that you like
Tools in your world. Left and right
Say team when associations trade
Fronds under the music. See that
What leans into the growth has
Nowhere to hide, biting pints along
Main lines. The colors seem to like
Parking the fun, but don’t forget
The seconds are holding forth and
Off to a great start. You make some
Fair effects of the brief as if you
Returned a few times this year.
At the show there are stripes
Hiking up to your trust, and wales
Display their gains at the booth.