17 October 2023

Four Poems by Mark Young



is available for you

to download with a brazenly in-your-

face, raw sound





a blockade of chronic catecholamine mediated stress

which expands or primes



more confident and powerful in her femininity

an ideal basis for the next step in creating HTS assays


fundamental to setting the stage


moral terrorism has a long history

studies indicate some role for genetic influence

on psychosocial, growth, scar, & physiologic

outcomes after massive burn injury



His 'consultant' wife & kilos of gold


How much does it cost to ship

a dog to Las Vegas, if it is actively

learning agricultural techniques?


Everyone I talk to says it depends

on whether or not it comes with a u-

nique & monoblock shell that serves


as the data historian in process-in-

tensive industries or, sometimes, on

who happens to be doing the surgery.



de Boulogne


Left over from the day

before, & lost for several

decades inside a film by

Robert Bresson, Napoleon

III was formerly a forest,

designed by Baron Hauss-


mann with sex workers in

mind. Apart from being in

a format that will not play

on most DVD players sold

in Australia and New Zea-

land, it comes primarily as


wall candy wallpaper, sub-

ject to change according to

dates, hotel policy, & other

factors. Sometimes may be

made of shortcrust pastry.

Zoom in to discover more.



A line from Wassily Kandinsky


A cartoon man. Double-click to

consume. Test certificates are

available upon request. Very pop-

ular for those that forge with a


striker. We blink, explore the

tracklist as well as various

archives deposited at Yale’s

Beinecke library that range


from casual to sophisticated.

Elsewhere, the dolphin, with

its notes of blueberry pastry,

has been upgraded. Sometimes


appropriate protective footwear

may be required, especially when

the eyes are the hammers. Around

sixty people attended the auction.