10 August 2023

Four Poems by Mark Young

multistory temperance


Before diving deeper into the

details, the images need to be

further manipulated. There is

only a limited amount of space;

which means the entry must be

vertical or nearly so. So many

sites to explore. A linguistic

search engine may be of help —

though downward terminations

need to extend a minimum of

100mm or else engage a void

that uses its slope to trim the

items correctly. That still means

a lot of space will get used on 

your iPhone; & even though

NASA says it's probably just

space junk, it's surprising how

much the dissolution of N2 in

the blood acts as a space saver.





The arrogance of this season's

crop of wild strawberries, like

those for each of the last almost

three score & ten years, derives


from the eponymous role they

had in a memorable Swedish

movie that has always been some-

thing of a cult hit; & is amplified


by the absence due to death of eve-

rybody else in the film, since they

all lacked the ability to come back

to life, year after blooming year.



Bricolage, sans the spamojis


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Patagonian Remonstration


"Such tame sterility," said Charles

Darwin as the Beagle sailed on. She

hit him with her handbag, said: "We

may have no cash, but the human

will is free; & no collecting-box can

ever encompass us. Plus Getty Images

have 516 Baby Panther Stock Photos

& High-res Pictures for us to play

with should our visit to the Galap-

agos Islands prove non-productive."