03 June 2023

Three Poems by Marc Isaac Potter

Whose Open Mouth

Whose open-mouth kiss

Is swallowing

This child's lies.

Danny has taught his nephew Eric …

… For Eric … to lie to his father, William McBain. 

Danny of course

As soft as creamery butter

As brutal as a leather punch.

Danny is rarely without his leather


So perfect for making holes.



The Cold Decision 

Ego is a water slide that promises

Cold decisions


Your books under your arm, you 

Advise, suggest,  and counsel


On the impeccable wisdom 

Of the Greeks

I loosen my tie and poor myself

A cheap Scotch

I turn away from you

Momentarily to scratch my crotch.

Even though you did not

Admonish me in front

… In front of the others …

Your belt is

Itching for another notch.

You watch me as I pendulum around

The room.

As you eat your yogurt 

So creamy 

I offer you my job

And my company car.

Poem. K.

The lather, or rather the thick gummy vomit, lurching from his mouth like spiders.

Yes, he is now newly dead.

John Kennedy went a different way.

Remind me who John Kennedy was.

Oh, he was part of a famous American family, his father it has been suggested was a bootlegger.

His older brother was shot down during a European war, that is when father Joseph told his second in line John that he would run for President. 

Of the United States?

Yes, the United States 


So you are saying that this John- guy was President of the US.


So why haven't I ever heard of him? 

That I could not tell you…