buy me a fairy tale as a gift
buy me love as a gift
buy me a future as a gift
buy me a fairy tale as a gift
buy me love as a gift
buy me a future as a gift
buy me a future as a gift
Im completely out of money
Im completely without
Im completely out of money
Im completely without
sakura gave me silence
the flowers of the soul open
and the sky is bright
the flowers of the soul open
and the sky is bright
A refugee runs in
Without an image in a shirt
The last day in this life and that turned
Оut to be an escape
beautiful spring
alarm sirens singing
instead of birds
explosions instead of music
death instead of sleep
butterflies everywhere butterflies
A huge bird with black glasses would have arrived
And taught us all to fly
We've never been here anyway
It's scary not to jump down from the bridge
It's scary that no one will stop you