21 November 2022

Demolition of a Black Hole in a Red Eye by Logan Roberts

The demolition of doubt confiscates everything inside. I am mush

inside mush. A constellation of black holes. The bus races towards a dead end.

A child sits alone in the back under the flickering light. It’s all so melodramatic.

Automatic. The demolition of a constellation. I am a race towards the dead,

alone under a black hole. A child doubts everything inside. A black hole

confiscates, flickering alone. The doubt automatic. Everything so alone.

Dead mush inside holes of melodramatic light. The demolition of a constellation,

the light sits alone. Everything inside is doubt. Everything inside is black.

Everything inside is constellation. Everything inside is demolition.

The child races a black hole. Everything inside the child sits in demolition.

A black hole is a child, a constellation is a demolition of doubt. Mush is

so melodramatic. Everything is doubt. A black hole is dead. A child is dead.

A child confiscates the dead. The flickering light confiscates the child. A

Doubt confiscates everything & everything is racing towards death. Under the

child is the back of everything dead. In the end, everything inside is the 

demolition of doubt confiscating everything inside. The demolition of doubt

confiscates everything inside. I am mush inside mush.

A constellation of black holes. The bus races towards a dead end.

A child sits alone in the back under the flickering light. It’s all so melodramatic.

Automatic. The demolition of a constellation. I am a race towards the dead,

alone under a black hole. A child doubts everything inside. A black hole

confiscates, flickering alone. The doubt automatic. Everything so alone.

Dead mush inside holes of melodramatic light. The demolition of a constellation,

the light sits alone. Everything inside is doubt. Everything inside is black.

Everything inside is constellation. Everything inside is demolition.

The child races a black hole. Everything inside the child sits in demolition.

A black hole is a child, a constellation is a demolition of doubt. Mush is

so melodramatic. Everything is doubt. A black hole is dead. A child is dead.

A child confiscates the dead. The flickering light confiscates the child. A

Doubt confiscates everything & everything is racing towards death. Under the

child is the back of everything dead. In the end, everything inside is the 

demolition of doubt confiscating everything inside. 


Logan Roberts