14 February 2022

This She-Wolf Is a Reward to My Kinsman by Mark Leidner

Appearing on a coin dated 480 AD, “This she-wolf is a reward to my kinsman” is said to be the oldest known sentence in English.

Berlin is closer to Moscow than Madrid by more than 200 kilometers.

C is the chemical formula of every diamond.

Dead people outnumber the living 14 to 1.

Eva Perón was the first Argentinian to receive chemotherapy.

Farmworkers in California were unable to access unemployment insurance when Armstrong walked on the moon.

God originates in German or Norse and has no tie to any language family related to the Mediterranean cultures in which the Abrahamic religions took root.

Hitchcock’s Psycho marked the first on-screen appearance of a toilet in mainstream American cinema.

In an elephant’s trunk are more muscles than in the human body.

Julius Caesar appears in only three scenes of Julius Caesar, not counting the scene in which Caesar’s ghost appears.

Kuebiko is the state of exhaustion brought on by awareness of senseless acts of violence. 

Lachesism is the longing to experience a disaster you narrowly survive. 

Mosquitos buzz at 450-500 hertz, roughly equivalent to the musical note A, the note to which most orchestras tune before a concert.

Neural impulses take 80 milliseconds to reach the brain, locating the phenomena we call the “present” about 80 milliseconds in the past.

Only 12% of hands in poker are won by a player holding the best cards.

Pollen particles of the peace lily are poisonous to people. 

Queen Cleopatra's life was closer in time to the moon landing than to the construction of the Pyramids of Giza. 

Romeo and Juliet are only on stage together for about 14 minutes.

Salem is a front-clipped abbreviation of Jerusalem.

The far side of the moon is the hemisphere that never faces Earth; the dark side of the moon is the hemisphere that isn’t currently facing the sun; they are only the same during the full moon.

Ulysses S. Grant was cast as and rehearsed the part of Desdemona in a U.S. Army staging of Othello in Corpus Christi, TX during the Mexican-American war, but because the white army officer cast to play Othello, a diffident method actor, claimed that he could not convincingly portray desire for Desdemona knowing she was actually Grant, the U.S. Army fired Grant from the role and replaced him with an actress from New Orleans. 

Verdigris, the toxic green pigment associated with the Statue of Liberty, comes from the French “vert de gris” or “green of Greece,” so named because the practice of tarnishing copper to achieve the pigment (for scraping off to use in jewelry and other artforms) was widespread in ancient Greece.

Water crickets have occasionally evolved to taste so bad that trout spit them out unharmed.

X, the third least frequent letter in English behind Q and Z, appears in only fifteen hundredths of one percent of words.

Your average honeybee produces over the course of its life about one-twelfth a teaspoon of honey. 

Zorro is Spanish for fox.

Mark Leidner